I pushed a door that clearly said Pull, and I pulled out the chords of the guitar, which clearly said handle with care. Alas! I overheard Mr. Common Sense laughing in the corner. Let us unravel the story of "common sense", a friend who stands in the corner like the third friend in any group trio. A word that is notoriously difficult to define and used to mean diverse things to different individuals. A compass to direct us from the minute we leap out of bed until we fall asleep while browsing through our Instagram feeds.

Before anyone clicks the "like" button, let's talk about the sorrow of dealing with uncommon catastrophes that may be avoided if we used a little common sense.

"This isn't rocket science", but it should also be evident that WE humans are much better at rocket science at solving difficulties with advanced technology than we are with issues involving everyday human behavior. Imagine a situation when you follow google maps as it says, and after ten minutes, you reach a point that would have been achieved in 2 minutes if common sense had taught you that distance is always greater than displacement. Imagine this: A strange situation occurs when someone climbs a downward-moving escalator. How about getting bumped on your head when you walk into a glass door or handling a scorching hot object to save time? Watching people wearing pink outfits to watch Oppenheimer and people giggling in libraries.

Common sense- a present for those who have it and punishment for those who deal with people who don't have it. I find it intriguing when, on a busy road, a person with the speed of a kangaroo decides to ignore the stop sign and play a game of "call of duty" to approach the conflict zone to cross the light without losing any points. Oh, common sense, come back. Let's talk about the billboards and signs that plainly state "trespassing isn't allowed," but some adventurous people with cat-like curiosity jump over the fences to get arrested. Poor common sense screams in the corner as people applaud our bravery.

Common sense is an unspoken set of guidelines we adhere to daily without realizing it because it is so prevalent. Common sense could be more trustworthy, which seems strange. However, there have been times when simply employing common sense to follow rules, instincts, and science may have saved lives. Let's look at a famous instance. The apple fell from the tree, and Newton discovered gravity. However, by magic, Newton, like everyone else, would shut this thinking by providing a common sense response. G=9.8m/sec would not exist. One of the most essential innovations in the history of humankind, the wheel, is a prime illustration of common sense in action. Early people grasped that the concept might facilitate the movement of heavy goods after observing the round shape of logs rolling downhill. And thus, this realization is the result, and we can travel miles by adding our drop point and murmuring an OTP. Common sense has acted as a catalyst in millions of inventions to make human life easier.

Even though not applying this superpower justifies being a source of giggles, pain, and losses occasionally, it always teaches a lesson. Nobody is flawless, but let's face it, in this society where perfection is revered, that's exactly what makes life so wonderfully fascinating. So let's set aside our inflated expectations, have a moment of self-deprecation, and rejoice in the delightful errors that come with being human.

Thus, lets us raise a toast to this beautiful feeling- common sense, which surely doesn't grow in everyone's garden but surely does bloom in everyone's backyard.




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